
Cerita Rakyat Bugis - La Tarenrek

ᨄᨕᨘᨄᨕᨘᨊ ᨒ ᨈᨑᨙᨋᨙ Pau-paunna La TarEnrE Cerita La Tarenrek ᨑᨗᨔᨙᨕᨘᨓ ᨓᨊᨘᨕ ᨕᨛᨃ ᨔᨙᨕᨘᨓ ᨕᨊ ᨓᨚᨑᨚᨓᨊᨙ ᨑᨗᨕᨔᨛ ᨒ ᨈᨑᨙᨋᨙ ᨈᨛᨆᨀ ᨕᨌᨊ ᨆᨅᨗᨌᨑ᨞ ᨑᨙᨀᨚ ᨑᨗᨕᨙᨓᨕᨗ ᨕᨉ ᨑᨗᨈᨕᨘ ᨕᨙᨓᨙ ᨊᨑᨗᨓᨙᨑᨙ ᨕᨉ ᨆᨔᨒ ᨉᨙ ᨈᨛᨊ ᨅᨒᨗᨊ᨞ ᨔᨆᨊ ᨑᨗᨈ ᨈᨛᨊ ᨄᨗᨀᨗᨑᨗᨀᨗ ᨈᨛᨊ ᨊᨓᨊᨓᨕᨗ ᨕᨉᨕᨙ ᨆᨔᨘ ᨄᨚᨒᨙ ᨑᨗ ᨈᨗᨆᨘᨊ᨞ Ri sEuwa wanua engka sEuwa ana’ worowanE riaseng La TarEnrE temmaka accana mabbicara. REkko riEwai ada ritau EwE nariwErEng ada masala dE tennabalinna. Samanna rita tennang pikkiriki, tenna nawa-nawai adaE massu pole ri timunna. Di sebuah negeri ada seorang anak laki-laki yang bernama La Tarenrek yang begitu pandai berbicara. Jika ada orang yang berbicara dengannya tentang suatu masalah, niscaya dijawabnya. Seolah-olah, kata-katanya keluar dari mulutnya tanpa berfikir ataupun cemas. ᨊᨕᨗᨕᨑᨚ ᨓᨊᨘᨕ ᨊᨕᨚᨋᨚᨕᨗᨕᨙ ᨑᨗᨕᨓ ᨄᨑᨙᨈᨊᨕᨗ ᨔᨙᨕᨘᨓ ᨕᨑᨘ ᨆᨒᨚᨒᨚ ᨊᨆᨌᨈᨚ ᨆᨅᨗᨌᨑ ᨊᨆᨎᨆᨛ ᨀᨗᨊᨗᨊᨓ ᨑᨗᨄᨉᨊ ᨈᨕᨘ᨞ ᨊᨆᨒᨇᨙ ᨄᨗᨀᨗᨑᨗᨊ ᨔᨗᨅᨓ ᨄᨀᨗᨈ ᨑᨗᨆᨘᨋᨗᨊ᨞ ᨕᨁ ᨊᨑᨗᨕᨙᨒᨚᨑᨗ ᨔᨛᨊ ᨕᨗ ᨑᨗᨈᨚᨄᨅᨊᨘᨕᨕᨙ ᨕᨗᨕᨆᨊᨛ᨞ Naiaro wanua naonroiE riawa parEntanai sEuwa arung malolo namaccato mabbicara namanyameng kininna...

Cerita Rakyat Bugis - La Biu

ᨒ ᨅᨗᨕᨘ LA BIU ᨊᨄᨚᨕᨉᨕᨗ ᨄᨘᨊᨕᨙ ᨌᨑᨗᨈ ᨆᨀᨛᨉ  ᨕᨛᨃ ᨔᨙᨉᨗ ᨀᨇᨚ᨞ ᨊᨕᨗᨕ ᨀᨇᨚ ᨕᨙᨑᨚ ᨉᨙ ᨊᨆᨊᨛᨔ ᨕᨚᨋᨚᨊ᨞ ᨑᨗ ᨒᨒᨛ ᨀᨇᨚ ᨕᨙᨑᨚ ᨕᨛᨃ ᨈᨕᨘ ᨆᨀᨛᨒᨛᨅᨗᨊᨛ ᨈᨛᨆᨀ ᨕᨀᨔᨗᨕᨔᨗᨂᨛᨊ᨞ ᨊᨕᨗᨀᨗᨐ ᨕᨛᨃ ᨈᨚ ᨈᨕᨘ ᨔᨘᨁᨗ ᨈᨒᨁᨒᨁ ᨆᨚᨋᨚ ᨑᨗ ᨀᨇᨚ ᨕᨙᨑᨚ᨞ ᨕᨗᨕᨑᨚ ᨈᨕᨘ ᨔᨘᨁᨗ ᨕᨙ ᨉᨙ ᨊᨕᨗᨔᨛᨂᨗ ᨑᨗᨕᨔᨛ ᨕᨙ ᨕᨄᨛᨉᨗᨑᨛ ᨕᨚᨋᨚ ᨒᨗᨊᨚᨊ ᨈᨛᨆᨀ ᨑᨗᨈ ᨕᨒᨛᨅᨗᨒᨛᨅᨗᨑᨛᨊ᨞ ᨈᨘᨃᨛᨈᨘᨃᨛ ᨕᨛᨔᨚ ᨕᨗᨕᨑᨙᨁ ᨊᨕᨛᨔᨚ ᨆᨑᨍ ᨔᨗᨂᨗ ᨒᨚᨀᨊ ᨍᨚᨀᨍᨚᨀ ᨑᨗ ᨔᨙᨕᨘᨕᨕᨙ ᨕᨚᨋᨚ᨞ ᨆᨔᨛᨊ ᨔᨛᨊ᨞  Napoadai punnaE carita makkeda, engka sE'di kampong. Naia kampong Ero de namanessa onronna. Ri laleng kampong Ero, engka tau makkele'bineng temmaka akkasiasingEnna. Naikia engka to tau sugi tallanga-langga monro ri kampong Ero. Iaro tau sugi E, dE naisengngi ri asengngE appeddireng onro linona temmaka rita allebbi-lebbirenna. Tungke-tungke esso iarE'ga naesso maraja singi lokkana jokka-jokka ri sEuaE onrong, massennang-sennang. Alkisah sebuah cerita di suatu kampung yang tak disebutkan letaknya. Di dalam kampung tersebut, ada orang miskin yang begitu melarat. Di sisi lain, di kampung tersebut, ada juga orang kaya yang mendapat rej...

Cerita Rakyat Bugis - Tau Malebbo e ri Mampu

ᨈᨕᨘ ᨆᨒᨛᨅᨚᨕᨙ ᨑᨗ ᨆᨇᨘ ᨑᨗᨕᨚᨒᨚ ᨕᨛᨃ ᨔᨙᨕᨘᨕ ᨕᨑᨘ ᨄᨄᨑᨙᨈ ᨑᨗᨈᨛᨒᨕᨗ ᨄᨛᨈ ᨆᨇᨘ᨞ ᨊᨕᨗᨕ ᨓᨛᨈᨘ ᨕᨙᨑᨚ ᨓᨛᨉᨗᨂᨗ ᨑᨗᨕᨙᨓ ᨆᨅᨗᨌᨑ ᨕᨚᨒᨚ ᨀᨚᨒᨚᨕᨙ᨞ ᨑᨗᨒᨒᨛᨊ ᨀᨇᨚ ᨕᨙᨑᨚ ᨕᨛᨃ ᨉᨘᨕ ᨈᨕᨘ ᨆᨒᨅᨗᨊᨙ᨞ ᨊᨕᨗᨕ ᨅᨕᨗᨊᨙᨊ ᨈᨛᨆᨀ ᨁᨛᨒᨚᨊ᨞ ᨉᨙᨁᨁ ᨆᨀᨘᨋᨕᨗ ᨌᨕᨘ ᨁᨛᨒᨚᨕᨗ ᨑᨗ ᨒᨒᨛ ᨄᨑᨙᨈᨊ ᨆᨇᨘ᨞ ᨊᨕᨗᨕ ᨄᨛᨈ ᨆᨇᨘ ᨕᨛᨃ ᨈᨚ ᨕᨊ ᨊ ᨀᨒᨚᨒᨚ ᨈᨛᨆᨀ ᨁᨙᨃᨙᨊ᨞ ᨊᨔᨛ ᨈᨕᨘᨕᨙ ᨀᨒᨚᨒᨚ ᨌᨇᨛᨁ᨞ ᨕᨛᨃᨊ ᨔᨙᨕᨘᨕ ᨓᨛᨈᨘ ᨕᨊ ᨀᨑᨘ ᨕᨙᨑᨚ ᨒᨕᨚᨕᨗ ᨆᨄᨅᨗᨈᨙ ᨆᨊᨘ ᨑᨗ ᨕᨓ ᨅᨚᨒᨊ ᨈᨕᨘ ᨆᨀᨒᨛᨅᨗᨊᨛᨂᨛ ᨕᨙᨑᨚ᨞ ᨊᨔᨗᨈᨘᨍᨘᨕ ᨕᨗ ᨆᨗᨈᨕᨗ ᨕᨊ ᨉᨑ ᨁᨛᨒᨚ ᨕᨙᨑᨚ᨞ ᨑᨗᨓᨛᨈᨘ ᨊᨕᨗᨈᨊᨑᨚ ᨈᨄ ᨄᨒᨙᨕᨗ ᨄᨈᨘᨍᨘᨊ ᨆᨕᨙᨒᨚ ᨄᨘᨕᨗᨊᨙ ᨕᨗ ᨆᨀᨘᨋᨕᨗ ᨕᨙᨑᨚ᨞ ᨑᨗᨄᨚᨕᨉᨊᨗ ᨑᨗᨈᨕᨘ ᨆᨕᨙᨁᨕᨙ ᨆᨀᨛᨉᨕᨙ 'ᨕᨗᨕᨑᨚ ᨆᨀᨘᨋᨕᨗᨕᨙ ᨈᨕᨘ ᨕᨛᨃ ᨒᨀᨕᨗᨊ'᨞ ᨊᨕᨗᨕ ᨓᨛᨈᨘ ᨊᨀᨒᨗᨂᨊ ᨑᨚ ᨄᨄᨂᨍᨊ ᨈᨕᨘ ᨆᨕᨙᨁᨕᨙ ᨉᨙᨊ ᨄᨈᨘᨍᨘᨊ ᨄᨒᨙᨕᨗ ᨆᨀᨘᨋᨕᨗ ᨁᨛᨒᨚ ᨕᨙᨑᨚ᨞ ᨊᨕᨙᨀᨗᨕ ᨆᨕᨙᨒᨚᨕᨗ ᨆᨀᨑᨙ ᨕᨑᨙᨕᨗ ᨅᨗᨊᨙᨊ ᨈᨕᨘᨕᨙ᨞ ᨁᨀᨊ ᨊᨉᨄᨗ ᨈᨚᨂᨛ ᨆᨀᨑᨙ ᨕᨑᨙᨕᨗ ᨅᨕᨗᨊᨙᨊ ᨈᨕᨘᨕᨙᨑᨚ ᨉᨙᨋᨙ᨞ ᨕᨛᨃᨊ ᨔᨙᨕᨘᨕ ᨓᨛᨈᨘ ᨊᨔᨗᨈᨘᨍᨘᨕᨂᨗ ᨕᨛᨃᨊ ᨒᨀᨕᨗᨊ ᨑᨗ ᨅᨚᨒᨕᨙ ᨊᨕᨛᨃ ᨈᨚ ᨕᨊ ᨀᨑᨘ ᨕᨙᨑᨚ᨞ ᨑᨗᨓᨛᨈᨘ ᨕᨙᨑᨚ ᨆᨈᨛᨂᨂᨗ ᨈᨛᨊᨘᨊ ᨆᨀᨘᨋᨕᨗ ᨈᨚ ᨁᨛᨒᨚ ᨕᨙᨑᨚ ᨊᨉᨙ ᨊᨔᨊ ᨔᨊᨕᨗ ᨈᨄ ᨆᨛᨉᨘ ᨕᨊ ᨌᨑᨚᨄᨚᨊ᨞ ᨆᨀᨗᨈᨕᨗ ᨊᨚ ᨒᨕᨚ ᨑᨗᨕᨓ ᨕᨛᨃᨕᨗ ᨊᨕᨗᨈ ᨕᨊᨊ ᨕᨑᨗ ᨕᨙ ᨆᨗᨈᨕᨘᨊᨗ ᨊᨚ ᨑᨗ ᨈᨊᨕᨙ ᨊᨔᨅ ᨕᨛᨃᨕᨗ ᨒᨀᨕᨗᨊ ᨑᨗ ᨒᨒᨛ ᨅᨚᨒ᨞ ᨈᨄᨊᨔᨘᨑᨚ ᨕᨗ ᨕᨔᨘᨊ ᨆᨈᨙᨑᨛᨂᨗ ᨕᨊ ᨌᨑᨚᨄᨚᨊ᨞ ᨉᨙ ᨊᨆᨕᨗᨈ ᨕᨛᨃ ᨈᨚᨂᨛᨊ ᨕᨊ ᨌᨑᨚᨄᨚᨊ ᨊᨄᨙᨋᨙ᨞ ᨑᨗᨓᨛᨈᨘ ...

Review - Kyou wo Aruku

Living in a rural village, I could recognize some people who usually pass in front of my house. There’s this one man in his 40s, with a bit of unbalanced way of walking, who passes walking in front of my house almost everyday no matter what day it is, either it is a working day or a holiday. To most people, it may seem strange to seeing him walking so far, but for people who already get used to, including I, a day I see him walking is just a regular day as usual. One day, on my way to the city riding a motorbike, I got bumped up with the man, and man, it was four kilometers away from my house. I don’t exactly know where the man lives, but I often see him at “Puskesmas” (a kind of hospital for villagers) so I guess the man probably lives three kilometers away from my house on the other way. So it means the man walks like 14 km that day, and maybe even more. Sometimes I see him passing by in front of my house four times a day, two times at morning and two times at afternoon. And n...

Cerita Rakyat Bugis - Arajang E Ri SegEri

ᨕᨑᨍ ᨕᨙ ᨑᨗ ᨔᨛᨁᨙᨑᨗ ᨑᨗ ᨕᨚᨒᨚ  ᨕᨛᨃ ᨔᨙᨉᨗ ᨓᨛᨈᨘ ᨊᨉᨙ ᨆᨊᨛ ᨊᨄᨚᨒᨙ ᨕᨔᨙᨊ ᨄᨒᨕᨚ ᨑᨘᨆᨕᨙ᨞ ᨑᨗᨆᨀᨘᨕᨊᨑᨚ ᨊᨆᨄᨛᨉᨗ ᨆᨊᨛ ᨈᨕᨘ ᨕᨙ ᨑᨗ ᨔᨛᨁᨙᨑᨗ᨞ ᨓᨛᨈᨘ ᨐᨛᨑᨚ ᨕᨑᨘ ᨆᨄᨑᨙᨈ ᨑᨗᨕᨔᨛᨂᨙ 'ᨄᨍᨘ ᨒ ᨈᨛᨋᨗ ᨔᨛᨔᨘ ᨄᨛᨈ ᨈᨚᨒᨕᨘ ᨑᨗᨈᨛᨒ ᨕ ᨄᨍᨘ ᨒᨒᨚᨕᨙ'᨞ ᨕᨗᨐᨈᨚᨊᨑᨚ ᨕᨑᨘ ᨄᨆᨘᨒ ᨕᨙ ᨑᨗ ᨔᨛᨁᨙᨑᨗ᨞ ᨑᨗᨔᨙᨕᨘᨓᨕᨙ ᨓᨛᨊᨗ ᨕᨛᨃ ᨈᨕᨘ ᨆᨛᨊᨗᨄᨗ ᨑᨗ ᨒᨗᨔᨛᨊ ᨔᨕᨚᨑᨍ ᨕᨙ ᨕᨗᨐᨊᨑᨗᨈᨘ 'ᨄᨘᨕ ᨆᨈᨚᨕ'᨞ ᨊᨕᨗᨐ ᨑᨚ ᨄᨘᨕ ᨆᨈᨚᨕ ᨊᨕᨗᨈ ᨕᨛᨃ ᨈᨕᨘ ᨆᨔᨘᨑᨘᨅᨛ ᨄᨚᨕᨂᨗ ᨆᨀᨛᨉ ᨊᨕᨙᨃᨒᨗᨂᨊ ᨕᨑᨘᨂᨙ ᨕᨗᨊᨗᨄᨗᨊ 'ᨄᨘᨕ ᨆᨈᨚᨕ' ᨊᨄᨉᨛᨄᨘᨂᨛᨊᨗ ᨈᨚᨕᨌᨊ ᨔᨛᨁᨙᨑᨗ᨞ ᨊ ᨔᨗᨃᨛᨑᨘᨕ ᨊᨗ ᨆᨀᨛᨉ ᨕᨙ ᨑᨗ ᨕᨛᨔᨚ ᨍᨘᨆ ᨕᨙ ᨆᨕᨙᨒᨚ ᨒᨕᨚ ᨑᨗᨕᨒ ᨑᨀᨒ ᨊ ᨊᨗᨄᨗ ᨕᨙ 'ᨄᨘᨕ ᨆᨈᨚᨕ'᨞ ᨊᨉᨄᨗ ᨊᨗ ᨓᨛᨈᨘ ᨍᨘᨆ ᨄᨉ ᨒᨕᨚ ᨈᨚᨂᨛ ᨊᨗ ᨄᨔᨘᨑᨚᨊ ᨕᨑᨘ ᨕᨙ ᨊᨕᨗᨕ ᨆᨀᨓᨛ ᨊ ᨅᨘᨒᨘ ᨕᨙ ᨑᨚ ᨉᨙᨋᨙ ᨑᨗᨄᨒᨙᨌᨙ ᨑᨗᨕᨚᨒᨚᨊᨗ 'ᨄᨘᨕ ᨓᨈᨚᨕ'᨞ ᨆᨈᨛᨑᨘ ᨆᨙᨋᨙ ᨑᨗ ᨌᨚᨄᨚᨊ ᨅᨘᨒᨘ ᨕᨛᨃ ᨈᨚᨂᨛ ᨊ ᨊᨕᨗᨈ ᨑᨀᨒ ᨆᨉᨙᨉᨙ ᨒᨚᨁ ᨒᨚᨁᨊ᨞ ᨁᨉ ᨊᨕᨗᨈ ᨆᨊᨛ ᨊᨗ ᨈᨕᨘ ᨆᨕᨙᨁ ᨕᨙ᨞ ᨊᨔ ᨆᨈᨘᨑᨘᨔᨗᨊᨗ ᨄᨉ ᨆᨀ ᨕᨗ ᨊᨕᨗᨊᨄ ᨊᨄᨒᨙᨌᨙ ᨊᨗ ᨒᨕᨚ ᨑᨗ ᨕᨚᨋᨚ ᨆᨌᨀ ᨕᨙ᨞ ᨄᨉ ᨆᨄᨑᨙᨔᨊᨗ ᨀᨘᨕᨑᨗᨈᨘ᨞ ᨆᨂ ᨆᨊᨛᨊᨗ ᨈᨕᨘ ᨆᨕᨙᨁ ᨕᨙ ᨆᨗᨈᨕᨗ ᨊᨔᨅ ᨕᨗᨐᨑᨚ ᨑᨀᨒ ᨕᨙ ᨉᨙᨁᨁ ᨄᨈᨛ ᨕᨍᨘ ᨈᨔᨗᨄᨚᨒᨚ ᨄᨚᨒᨚ᨞ ᨔᨆᨊ ᨑᨗᨈ ᨕᨍᨘ ᨈᨛᨆᨀ ᨑᨍᨊ ᨑᨗᨓᨗᨋᨘ ᨆᨏᨍᨗ ᨑᨀᨒ᨞ ᨑᨗᨓᨛᨈᨘ ᨑᨗᨈᨗᨓᨗ ᨊ ᨑᨀᨒ ᨕᨙ ᨑᨚ ᨒᨕᨚ ᨑᨗ ᨔᨛᨁᨙᨑᨗ ᨈᨛᨆᨀ  ᨕᨙᨁᨊ ᨈᨕᨘ ᨉᨘᨄ ᨕᨗ᨞ ᨄᨉ ᨈᨛᨈᨚ ᨑᨗ ᨓᨗᨑᨗ ᨊ ᨒᨒᨛ ᨕᨙ᨞ ᨊᨄᨉᨗ ᨊ ᨑᨗᨔᨛᨁ...

Personal - Being a Bit Royal Today

After waiting for such a long time (it's actually has been years), finally, I got my traveling gear almost reaches my "completed needs". Since two days ago was the payday, I really wanted shopping to add my collection but too bad I fell sick, got a headache and fever, that I had to wait until yesterday morning. As I saw my phone clock at 9 am, I immediately went to Eiger Shop on Rappochini Street but since it was still early when you consider that yesterday was Sunday, the shop hadn't opened yet so while waiting, I was just wondering around with my motorcycle, until finally I went to the shop for the second time and it was opening already. I got a bit a lot of money so I wanted to be royal a bit, I withdrew 1,7 M rupiah (maybe about $118.11 USR at the moment) from my atm as the amount I wanted to spend for traveling gear for this month. I planned it for Carrier and Shoes. Checking the price and the style of Eiger equipment, I decided not to go for eiger this ...

Review - The Witches of the Forest of Solitude

Akhir-akhir ini saya asyik menikmati beberapa one-shot manga dari berbagai genre. Kebanyakan yang saya baca dari demografi Shoujo sih sebenarnya, tapi nggak ada yang benar-benar menarik buat dibikin reviewnya. Namun ada satu manga yang terbilang unik yang sebenarnya dari tipe manga yang sangat jarang saya baca – Yuri. Judulnya “The Witches of the Forest Solitudes” karangan Huyou Satoyoshi, sementara Artnya oleh Yatosaki Haru. Saya sebenarnya belum tahu tentang author dan artist ini, tapi karena manga ini, saya ingin coba mencari tahu karya-karya mereka yang lain. Judul Manga : The Witches of the Forest of Solitude Tipe : Oneshot (42 halaman, cover included) Genre: Yuri “        Far to the East, snow falls endlessly in the Forest of Solitude. The brook that should imbue it with life is frozen solid. The trees in this forest will never bud, nor flower, nor bear fruit again. The forest permits no life. The only things to be...